Ompa your back with your sharpie! cool.
And Madtiger, please do not hurt yourself but that is what it feels like self abuse!
To any Jehovah's Witness out there, please realize what it means to go door to door!
did you receive your invisible (x) mark on your forehead?
the message is clear with the wtbts and their many pictures with someone studying, getting baptized, and going door to door with another picture that shows someone getting their x written on their forehead.
jehovah's witnesses think they are the middle man marking people to righteousness only if you join the organization.
Ompa your back with your sharpie! cool.
And Madtiger, please do not hurt yourself but that is what it feels like self abuse!
To any Jehovah's Witness out there, please realize what it means to go door to door!
i have notice some threads when people post to help answer someone questions they are all different.
so far none of us have the same answer yet most of us have been raised or belong to the borg for years!
perhaps the doctrines are so screwed up!.
That is so right! No more Governing Body to take the place of Jesus, and that a good reason to be happy! Ha hoooo!
Still we all read the same books and Watchtowers! LOL
why do jws have the memorial anyways?
they preach that jesus said , do this until i return.
the jws say he returned in 1914, so what gives here anyway?
Hmm! interesting post answers, maybe we are not the people who could be completely brain washed, yet some believe it whole hearts and minds!
Remember Jesus is just sitting at God's right hand, they are trying to fullfill bible prohphesy of Revelation when Jesus has his scepter and stand up like Michael.
are you obligated to forgive someone.
......if they do not ask for forgiveness.
......if they show no remorse for the transgression.
I guess I think V1710 has something there! Some people are hard to forgive but I hope through my prayers I can forgive others so that God can forgive me! or should we forgive 77 times like Jehovah. But when l try to forget the harm that others has caused I set myself up for more harm. Do not let your guard down or forget! Really that is true! It really is hard to forgive others when they harm or hurt you! That does not mean that people who hurt you, you need to have them around you.
Anyhow, with prayers you can choose to forgive others even though you might not mean it, maybe someday you will! As soon as you make that request although you do not mean it, God will forgive the ones you pray about and you! Remember the old testament, and when you read it there might come a time when you want God to react fast! like do something God, but later God was much more loving then your fast thoughts of wanting him to come to the people's rescue! He is slow to judge but we human are fast to judge!
There is no year or two of being disfellowshipped prior to forgiveness like the Jehovahs Witnesses teach from Paul's Teary letter to his congregations. Foregiveness is an instant thing with God! but humans well we are not so forgiving that is why God sent his son for us all and he will do the final judgement. I would not want Jesus final job of Judgement and Forgiveness! Are we all being tested? Perhaps!
i have notice some threads when people post to help answer someone questions they are all different.
so far none of us have the same answer yet most of us have been raised or belong to the borg for years!
perhaps the doctrines are so screwed up!.
I have notice some threads when people post to help answer someone questions they are all different. So far none of us have the same answer yet most of us have been raised or belong to the borg for years!
Perhaps the doctrines are so screwed up!
why do jws have the memorial anyways?
they preach that jesus said , do this until i return.
the jws say he returned in 1914, so what gives here anyway?
How can YOU not ask that question! I guess the 144,000 are to partake until a portion of the 144,000 who are in heaven come and attack the earth who do not have their(X) seal on their foreheads for 42 months. You know the angels will hold the four corners of the earth until the 144,000 are sealed. After they are sealed they are to go thru the earth for 42 months and attack the ones who are not sealed. Which would be everyone else? LOL just a joke but true! Go figure that one! Hmm, maybe that fits right in with the fullfillment of the man with the writers(secretarys) inkhorn.
Ok, Why is it called a memorial? Because Christ partook before his death? Maybe because remembering and memorial really do not mean the samething? The meaning was lost a long the way! Do this in remembrance of me equates to memorial of his death? Hmmm. okay!
Okay so that is not what your asking! In 1914 he set up his invisible kingdom and he was enthroned, but like in Hebrew 1 and in Daniels around 10. Michael will stand up for his people. They claim Michael(Jesus) just received his enthronement, but he has not been given permission from Jehovah to stand up for his people the Jehovah's Witnesses yet!
OKay see the above Farkel, "5 Pillars of Truth About 1914!" LOL that is great!
did you receive your invisible (x) mark on your forehead?
the message is clear with the wtbts and their many pictures with someone studying, getting baptized, and going door to door with another picture that shows someone getting their x written on their forehead.
jehovah's witnesses think they are the middle man marking people to righteousness only if you join the organization.
Did you receive your invisible (X) mark on your forehead? The message is clear with the WTBTS and their many pictures with someone studying, getting baptized, and going door to door with another picture that shows someone getting their X written on their forehead. They start at someone's door if you buy one of the Watchtower, Awake, or any of their books, you receive a symbolic X mark on your forehead that represent righteousness. Next, you need to study the bible to receive your invisible X mark. If you get baptized, you have survived destruction like in Ezekiel prophecy! The ones who receive this unseen X mark does not get destroyed during God's judgment.
The Jehovah's Witnesses put themselves as the middle man between mankind on earth and Jesus Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses think they are the middle man marking people to righteousness only if you join the organization. However, if you do not join the organization you go off to judgment to Jesus Christ and destruction. If you think about it, that means that the ones who receive the mark are already judged by the 144,000 who represents Ezekiel’s antitypical the man with the writer inkhorn; or the secretary’s with the writer inkhorn. Also the people who go door to door are doing the x marking who work under the 144,000!
How many Jehovah's Witnesses realized that they are marking people to righteousness and therefore they pass over judgment day with Jesus Christ? They are actually taking the place of Christ Jesus. I did not have this concept until thirty years later when I was reinstated and researched the topic in the Watchtower volumes. All the years that my parents had book study in our house and prepared for door to door field service this topic was not mentioned. No one on the earth today can take the place of Jesus Christ or Jehovah God! So why does the Jehovah’s Witnesses think they have that right given only to Jesus!
NOW, when I see someone going door to door I just become physically sick to my stomach. I think of false doctrines and a false Jesus someone who thinks he has the right to take Jesus place. In the last days, we were taught to beware of false Jesus and prophets!
Many Thanks to Atlantis who recently posted some of the Watchtower’s pictures!
Do You Have The Mark to Survive God’s Judgment!
Also, if anyone has a picture with people going door to door and with someone getting the symbolic X on their forehead I hope you post it! Because, I would get a big laugh out of it!
oh man, 2 mormons were walking on my road as i was driving home from work, i stopped them, asked them firstly why in the world they were walking on a dirt road in their suits where the houses are hundreds of yards apart, and then to come back to my house.
wow, it was so interesting to see the hundreds of mormon articles i've been reading in prep for talking to the jw (who had to cancel on me to go on a trip, plus i'm kinda wary about talking to her now, as i know this will sound silly, but her mom and fam stopped by the coffee shop, and i know my boss the owner cannot afford the loss of customers...who knows how many of them are witlesses!
anyways, one was from utah, one from texas....the parroting and the language that was so present in those articles was dumbly flung at me willy nilly in adverse to my arguments.
I did not know much about Mormons until a couple of my friends started attending the dances and became Mormons because wanting to marry. Later because of the JDUB I did research in the Mormons. As far as I am concerned, they are the worse christain sect!
The last time I talked to a couple of Mormons boys, I told them that their religion is completely based on lies and not the bible. The Mormon book you can not follow it with the Bible! and twisting the scriptrue about baptizing the dead meaning to baptize the dead! NOT! It was a question they need to read above the scripture! They are really brain washed, Why would we need to baptize the dead? OH well let the dead baptize the dead! Total insult to the Bible!
i've been thinking something these past couple of days.
there are soooooooooooooo many wonderful and loving people on this earth.
even though the jdubs made us feel they were the only caring and loving people around.
Some people have demons, legends, in them they choice to kill or steal. Some people are on drugs which are acts of demons! I am not blaming everything on Satan. I think people have choices and if they choose to go that way then they are not choosing God but taken over by legends living within. I have noticed that some people want to become healed so for a short time they might be okay, but legend knows when to come back and bring their little friends. Other people have mental illness that cause them to do crazy things like lie, steal, con, manipulate, murder, and etc,. They enjoy the rush of getting over on others and that is emotional abuse. They are beyond any human help and are emtionally dangerous to others. NO matter what the desire of the brain is still part of the consience area of the brain were some seem to think that is where we connect with God what is right and what is wrong. I believe people can have legends in them and there is only certain way to expel these legends when Jesus heals them. WE need to do our best to protect ourselves and children.
Sorry this is long but I have had plenty of time to think about it! We all make bad choices but we know how to pray and change. Certain people make bad choices and can straighten up for a short time then they go back to the choices that got them in trouble to begin with although they claim to want God's approval their desire is too strong to do what is bad in God's eyes. Some do worse acts; steal, murder, and con others. They are beyond our help, I believe they have legends! Hope I spelled that right! LOL
Good post!
the doorbell rings, and it is jehovah's witlesses.
this is not all that unusual, but in this case you have made it clear that you do not want to be called on.
there is a no trespassing sign prominently displayed on your door, and they know you are absolutely not interested.
They stopped coming to my door even after I was reinstated. I invited some old guy in and he got mad because I asked him a question. His answer, YOU should know that answer if you were raised a JW. Chronology question! The date of Christ birth to now I had all these history books and did the research! He accused me of lying about my reinstatement, so I told him to not come back then I wrote the congregation a letter and told them that I did not want someone coming to my door accusing me of lying about my reinstatement. I did not attend that meeting I attended another meeting and I was fine in that congregation. Some JDUBS are just strange! and he was one of them.